Sophos Mobile Control
Simplicity Redefined for EMM
Sophos Mobile Control is the simplest way to enable secure mobile productivity and collaboration for your business.
Sophos Mobile Security
Sophos Mobile Security Free Edition
- Protects your Android smartphones and tablets from malicious apps
- Provides loss and theft protection with remote lock or locate (optional)
- Uses our extensive SophosLabs threat intelligence to identify potential risks
- Offers a Privacy Advisor which lets you see which apps can access personal data, create costs or access the Internet
Sophos Mobile Encryption
- View and access encrypted files in cloud storage on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch
- Full integration with Dropbox for transparent use
- Password protection allows simple and secure collaboration
- Fully integrated with our SafeGuard Enterprise Encryption for Cloud Storage module
- Additional features available via in-app purchasing
Download from the Apple App Store