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Sophos WS1100 Web Appliance
Complete Web Protection Everywhere

Sophos Web Appliances

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Our purpose-built secure web gateway makes web protection simple. It provides advanced protection from today’s sophisticated web malware and gives you full control over your employees’ online activity. You can easily create policies for individuals or groups while gaining important insights into user activity on your network.

  • Protect users from new zero-day threats
  • Be up and running in just 10 minutes
  • Easily accommodates user requests and custom policies
  • Extend protection to offsite users easily
  • Email scheduled reports directly to managers
  • Deploy hardware or VMware-Ready appliances

Advanced protection from web malware

We scan all web content and block the latest web threats using advanced techniques like javascript emmulation and behavioral analysis. These techniques help us detect malicious web code before it reaches your browser. It also prevents infected systems from calling home with sensitive data. And, unlike other web filters, you can scan all HTTP and HTTPS web traffic without slowing your users down.

Customizable URL Filtering boosts productivity

Our continuously updated database contains billions of pages in 56 categories. This lets you create safe web browsing policies, minimizing legal concerns around inappropriate content and maximize productivity. Easily set up policy by user or group using a variety of authentication options including SSO with Active Directory or eDirectory and even using our new captive portal for shared systems or mobile devices.

Control rogue users and enforce safe search

We not only block common anonymizing proxy sites, but also offer the ability to dynamically identify proxy abuse in real-time. Put a stop to rogue users attempting to bypass your policy using home-based or obscure proxies. You can also activate safe search and even monitor inappropriate search terms to keep your environment safe.

Rich reporting provides unrivalled insight

You get detailed reports as standard, stored locally with no separate products or appliances required. Predefined and customizable reports with extensive drill-down capabilities show key web activity like domains visited and bandwidth consumed.

Extend your protection everywhere

Add Sophos Endpoints to extend your protection everywhere your users go. Our unique endpoint integration packs the full power of our web appliance into the Sophos Endpoint. You get full web malware protection and policy enforcement off the network with no need to backhaul traffic or use a VPN. Policy and reporting syncs between endpoints and the gateway through the cloud, while the Sophos Endpoint agent performs scanning and enforcement.

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