The State of Ransomware 2024
Discover the latest developments in attacks, ransom payments, and recovery costs
This year’s annual report reveals how ransomware attacks have evolved over the last 12 months. Discover the current rate of attack, how often data is encrypted, and the most common root causes of attacks. Plus, we reveal how experiences with ransomware differ based on organization revenue.
How do your ransomware experiences compare with those of thousands of frontline IT and cybersecurity professionals?
5,000 pros from 14 countries across 15 industries detail their real-world ransomware experiences in our fifth annual report, which reveals fresh insights into the prevalence, impact, reach, and cost of the latest attacks.
Download the report now for the latest data on:
- Five-year attack trends
- Most common root causes of attacks
- Current encryption and data theft success rates
- Ransomware financial demands vs. payments
- Attack trends based on company size, industry, and country
- Who funds the ransom payment and who hands over the money
Some of the topics covered in the State of Ransomware 2024:
The prevalence of ransomware
How many organizations were hit in the last year compared with the previous four years.
Experience deviations by company size
The correlation between the incidence of attacks and an organization’s revenue, geography, and industry.
Funding the ransom
Where the payment money comes from, how often victims negotiate the amount, and who typically makes the payment.
The cost of ransomware
How ransom payments and overall recovery costs have changed year over year.
Root causes of attacks
Which attack vectors are most pervasive and how they vary by industry.
Percentage of computers and backups impacted
The typical reach of an attack, its wider business repercussions, and how both relate to business size and industry.
How do adversaries compromise your organization so they can launch an attack? What's the likelihood that you’ll be hit and what business ramifications can you expect?
of organizations were hit in the last year
of attacks result in data encryption
increase in ransom bills in the last 12 months
of attacks started with an unpatched vulnerability

When you download our free report, you’ll learn how ransomware and the recovery strategies of thousands of organizations across 14 countries and 15 industries have evolved over the past five years. You’ll also discover trends from brand new research areas in 2024:
- How much victims pay compared to the initial ransom demand
- The percentage, on average, of an organization’s computers affected by an attack
- The impact of backup data compromises on recovery efforts
- The role of law enforcement in attack remediation